Reporting on ESG Data (in collaboration with SASB)

ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) – комплексная оценка факторов и рисков устойчивого развития организации: воздействие на окружающую среду, общество и развитие корпоративного управления в процессе принятия управленческих и инвестиционных решений.

Бизнес 16+

We invite you to join us for a webinar on Sustainability and ESG Reporting, which will be held on 25-26 June 2021, each day from 10h00 to 17h00. After completing the two webinar series, you will receive a certificate of completion from SchweryCade in collaboration with SASB

On the first day, we will introduce the topics of sustainability, ESG reporting, and international reporting standards and regulations, providing an overview to begin building your report and addressing the following questions. What is the best way to start the process? How do you conduct the stakeholder process, what are the material issues, and how do you collect and monitor data?

Following this, we will delve into the specific ESG issues, from climate change and biodiversity to gender representation and government taxation. In addition, we will look into various social aspects, including GRI 403 on Occupational Health and Safety, with particular focus on the current coronavirus crisis and its effect on reporting.

On the second day, (26.06.2021), we will look specifically at reporting and communication, looking at the following questions, plus much more. Which format is most appropriate for your company? What tools or frameworks might be useful? Should you go for verifications or external assurances? How do you do it? To whom and how should sustainability information be communicated to?

Part I – Sustainability definitions, standards and trends

1. Introduction

1.1. What is sustainability?

1.2. Sustainability challenges and opportunities

1.3. International Standards and Guidelines

1.4. International ESG frameworks and national regulations

1.5. ESG and the financial markets

2. Implementing sustainability within the organization

2.1. How to start?

2.2. Dialogue with stakeholders

2.3. Focus on Material issues

2.4. Data collection and monitoring

Part II – Dealing with sustainability issues

3.1. Climate Change

3.2. Biodiversity

3.3. Occupational health and safety

3.4. Discrimination and gender equality

3.5. Anti-Corruption

3.6. Taxes and payments to government


Rolf Schwery is the founder and Executive Director of SchweryCade.

Rolf spent nearly a decade in Russia becoming familiar with a foreign culture and language. His first degree is in Economics (University of Fribourg); his PhD in Social Sciences (Russian Academy of Sciences).

As executive director of the Swiss Academy for Development (SAD), Rolf had the positive experience of managing an NGO through difficult times. He is a pioneer in the field of Sport and Development and strongly believes that development doesn’t need to be painful, but can be a lot of fun.

Rolf is fluent in German, English, Russian and French.


Форма и стоимость обучения: 

Дистанционное обучение на образовательном портале Microsoft Teams.

Язык проведения — английский.

Стоимость обучения за 1 слушателя  составляет 44 000 рубля (НДС не облагается). 

Количество мест в группе ограничено. 

Корпоративные форматы обучения (для команд, для поставщиков) обсуждаются отдельно и зависят от особенностей задачи Клиента.  

По всем вопросам

WhatsApp +7 916 418-82-43, менеджер программы Ольга

Отчётность по показателям ESG – это новая реальность для российских компаний во взаимодействии с инвесторами и другими заинтересованными сторонами и включении в стратегию и практику управления.


1171 день назад
25 июня 10:00 — 26 июня 2021 17:00

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